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  • Writer's pictureSHTM Event Society

ILEA HK Mentorship Program 2020/2021

Do you want to meet some new things? Here is an opportunity for you to connect with the event industry leaders! ILEA HK Mentorship Program provides a chance for us to gain experiences on events projects and extend our views on the industry. Don't miss the boat! Fill in the online application form now! You can find the link and information on our Instagram bio. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. Hope to see you soon!

新學年,是讓自己重新出發的好開始。你有沒有想過參加全新的活動好好裝備自己和認識活動策劃行業的行內人士? 我們現正誠意邀請你參加由ILEA HK舉辦的Mentorship Program,計劃將提供機會讓同學增加活動統籌經驗並開闊你的眼界。還猶豫什麼? 填寫網上登記表格,把握這次寶貴的機會吧!活動詳情和表格連結可以於我們的首頁找得到。如有任何查詢,歡迎隨時聯絡我們😉期待在活動中見到你!😆


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