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SHTMES Recruitment of ExCo (2020-2021)

Updated: Sep 10, 2020

SHTMES is now recruiting executive committees (ExCo) for the 2020-2021 session!! 😏 Have you ever considered organizing and hosting an event? 😎 Being an ExCo will certainly help achieving this goal! If you are interested in serving the SHTM community and broaden your network, look no further! Simply indicate your interest in the membership application google form!!! Applicants will be invited to attend interviews afterwards. We can't wait to see you soon!🤩🤩

If you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact us through Instagram DMs or email.

我哋SHTMES #招莊啦!唔知大家有冇諗過同其他同學一齊搞 event 呢🏰?定或者想識返一班又warm🤤又有愛嘅莊員💕? 又或者想學到有關會議與展覽行業嘅知識同經驗呢?🥳😎咁大家一定唔好錯過上莊嘅機會!仲可以一次過滿足晒三個願望,搞掂大學五件事其中一樣!🤩🎉只要喺membership form tick 返,咁就有機會加入我地嘅大家庭~期待到時見到大家啊!

如果有任何疑問,歡迎大家inbox我地嘅IG或者send email比我地!



1. Who should join the SHTMES ExCo programme?

If you are enthusiastic in learning and practicing the event management / planning skills; or to serve the SHTM community and improve personal growth; or would like to broaden your network and cooperate with our industry partners - look no further! All SHTMES student members who demonstrates strong sense of responsibility, ethical leadership and teamwork are welcomed to apply for the programme.

2. How to apply for the SHTMES ExCo programme?

The SHTMES ExCo programme is open for application now!!

  1. Indicate your interest in Registration Form / Send us an email.

  2. Complete a short personal information form (which will be sent to you later).

  3. Attend an interview.

  4. You will be notified if you are selected in the final round. Good luck!


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