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  • Writer's pictureSHTM Event Society

COVID-19: Crisis as Opportunity (Part 2)

In the previous post, we shared the guest’s experience on holding a virtual event shared in the HKECIA webinar. Hope it can help you to know more about how the industry leaders face the difficulties at this moment😉 This time we would like to share strategies and tips on switching the face-to-face event to a virtual event🤔 which is also given by the webinar guest. Scroll left for more! 😍

前幾日我地分享咗由HKECIA舉辦嘅網絡研討會中嘉賓舉辦線上活動嘅經驗分享,相信大家都對展覽行業喺疫情下嘅應對方法有更深入嘅了解😉 今次想同大家分享嘅係 當實體活動改為線上進行嘅時候,到底有乜嘢嘅策略同埋tips呢?🤔 我哋整理咗當日嘉賓所分享嘅內容,大家向左碌下就會發現有好多實用嘅tips㗎啦!😍


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