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  • Writer's pictureSHTM Event Society

COVID-19: Crisis as Opportunity (Part 1)

It was our honour to have the chance to attend the 1st HKECIA Webinar on 12th August 2020 – Pivoting to Virtual Events Lessons Drawn from Experience. 🤩Four event organizers were invited to share the big steps that they have taken to transit the physical event and conference to a digital platform. 🏃🏻‍♂️🏃🏻‍♀️Different tips were also suggested to us when holding digital events in the future. 📝💪🏻

The current circumstances might be bringing a huge crisis to the event industry because of the cancellation of exhibitions and deals. 😰However, on the other side of the coin, by using online platforms, the power of the internet makes us better connected with the world and helps us reach more global customers. 🌎Apart from that, the internet also breaks the geographic and space limitation, which benefits us by both reducing some cost needed for physical events such as the event siting expenses and expanding the scope of the event. 🖥️📱All these benefits will add more value to the event, thus attracting more sponsors and investors eventually. 💰

While the transition of the forms of events seems to provide more new opportunities for the event industry, it is admitted that virtual events still cannot replace face-to-face events, especially in terms of providing the customers a real experience, virtual events are limited. 😌

Even though there are still many uncertainties and challenges in the future of the industry, by supporting each other during this hard time, we believe that we can hold our hands and overcome all the difficulties together.🤝🏻💪🏻 Every cloud has a silver lining! 🌤️Just do it!😤

我哋一班莊員好榮幸有機會能夠出席由 香港展覽會議業協會 於 八月十二日舉行嘅 第一屆線上網絡研討會🤩當日,協會邀請咗四位來自唔同公司嘅活動統籌者,深入討論佢哋將實體活動移師至網上舉行嘅時候所吸收嘅經驗🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♂️幾位嘉賓亦都總結咗幾點舉辦網上活動時應該要留意嘅貼士,實在係令我哋獲益良多📝💪🏻



縱使喺呢一刻,行業嘅未來仍然存在好多不穩定因素同挑戰,但我哋堅信終有一日會雨過天晴,只要攜手一齊面對,一定能夠迎難而上,克服種種困難🤝🏻喺逆境中搵到新嘅曙光🌤️!Just do it! 😤💪🏻


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