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Thank You and Goodbye~

Writer's picture: SHTM Event SocietySHTM Event Society

Hey Everyone! 👋🏻 Lately, Hong Kong's outbreak continues to escalate. We sincerely hope that everyone is safe and healthy.😥 Unfortunately, all the planned activities have been cancelled due to the territory-wide social distancing measures. 🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♂️ Much to our regret, we've got little chance to see you this school year. 😭😭

Nevertheless, our next cabinet will continue upholding our vision.💪🏻 We'd strive to offer more opportunities for our members to explore the dynamics of the event industry.👩🏻‍💼👨🏻‍💼 Thank you so much for your support and see you in the coming September!🤗🤗

好耐冇見喇大家👋🏻 最近疫情又嚴重咗,各位要保重身子並注意衛生啊😥

sem 2各樣籌備好嘅活動無奈因為停課同限聚令而被迫取消,實在非常可惜😭 估唔到今個學年同大家見面得咁少機會,故在此特別想多謝去年十月有嚟AGM支持嘅各位🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♂️

我哋下屆莊員亦會繼續秉承本會嘅初衷,為同學舉辦不同與Event Organising 有關嘅活動😤 爭取同更多行內人士交流嘅機會,希望幫助到大家喺課堂以外獲得更加多唔同類型嘅學習機會👩🏻‍💼👨🏻‍💼

大家敬請期待🥳 我哋下年再見!🤗🤗


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