本年度嘅AGM終於喺禮拜四圓滿結束,喺度要多謝我哋兩位嘉賓,Ms Rachel Lo 同 Mr Sam Shei 抽空出席活動💕💕 我哋亦都好多謝林昌記,玻璃屋同埋Grove Cafe贊助我哋今次嘅活動,令我哋今次嘅活動舉辦得十分之咁成功。🥰🥰 最後好多謝各位同學仔嘅參與 ,感謝大家落力支持,💕希望你地都enjoy今次嘅活動啦 😘
我哋會繼續努力,喺今年度為大家送上更多精彩嘅活動✌🏻🙇🏻♂🙇🏻♀ The 3rd Annual General Meeting of Event Society has been concluded successfully on last Thursday night! We would like to express our sincerest gratitude to our honorary guests, Ms Rachel Lo and Mr Sam Shei , for spending their precious time with us. In addition, we hope to extend out heartiest thank-you to our sponsors (Lam Cheung Kee, The Sandwich Club/American Diner and Grove Cafe). Their generous contributions have helped us to actualise our vision of the event. Without their support, the event would not be able to end such smoothly.
We are also deeply grateful for our valued members’ active participation in the event. Their support are vital to the success of our student chapter. We hope you enjoy the event as much as we do.
As the newly-elected committees of SHTMES, we will strive our best to provide quality activities for our members. Stay tuned!